Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend Escape

This weekend, my best friend Jessie and I went to San Francisco to go see my absolute favorite band perform live at the Bottom of the Hill venue.  The right down was delightful, fairly traffic free and filled with many insightful conversations.

Before the concert started, we explored and enjoyed the city with a tremendous amount of window shopping and walking to enjoy the cities beautiful architecture.  The few parts of town we chose to enjoy was Haight St. and Japan Town.  During our long stroll on Height St. we walked in a countless number of clothing stores, admired the expensive clothing that neither of us dared to purchase, and walked off to the next store.  We both did end up caving into our desires and purchased a few items we both enjoyed, where I bought a $7 dollar red stone ring at the Tibetan Gift Corner and Jessie invested into one of her gifted hobbies and bought a backpack guitar (very cute and she was able to haggle the price down!) After walking around for who knows how many hours our stomach finally caught up to us and we were starved, but luckily we were able to find an excellent Indian restaurant which wasn't crowded with people from the street.  Lunch was delicious, where I had a spinach potato dish and Jessie enjoyed a chicken curry dish and we both sipped on our FREE chai tea and devoured our garlic naan.  On our way back to the car we were stop by a young man to try to have us sign a pledge to contribute a monthly donation to the Planned Parenthood, and simply stated.. he could not handle a no.  Eventually we escaped with all limbs intact.  With this visit to The City being my first in ten years, one of the most enjoyable sites I visited was Buena Vista Park which was beautifully structure with Redwoods, Arizona Cypress' and a variety of hardwoods, ivy and flowers.

Buena Vista Park
An awkward photo of me at the park
Japan town was an interesting experience and we explored a few gift shops in the mall, but quite frankly at this point I was starting to get tired of shopping in such crowded spaces.  We trekked up and down the hills on that side of town, some sketchy areas but mostly nice, and simply enjoyed the architecture and weather.  Luckily we found another store a few blocks down from where we started our adventure and Jessie was able purchase her first pair of Toms!

Japan Town

The concert itself was spectacular... actually, it was far more than that.  The band performing was God is an Astronaut, which is classified as "post rock" and I personally find their music inspirational and beautiful.    Seeing this band perform live was an astonishing and emotional experience and I lack to words to justify their amazing performance.  It was a privilege being able to watch them preform and turn their sweat and raw energy into something so magnificent.  Energized from the show and tired from the day, we head to my aunts house to rest.
The only photo I took at the show, horrible quality but I am glad I didn't bring a better camera.

Spending time with Jessie was simply a pleasant time and I enjoyed every minute of her company.

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